Provision of Scholarship
The institution provides scholarship to
10% of total exam form filled up students in Bachelor level & Class
XI and XII. The amount of scholarship is 12 months tuition fee per
student. The distribution is under different quota as follows.
1 Intelligent Students 30 %
2 Economically Backward 30 %
3 Various Ethnic Communities %10
4 Disadvantaged Group (Dalit) %10
5 Women 15 %
6 Students with Disability 5%
The topper students of Bachelor Level get prizes from the following scholarship trusts.
1 Dal Bahadur Khatri Memorial Trust Rs. 1,11,111.00 for 6 beneficiaries
2 Kalawati Karki Scholarship Trust Rs. 50,000.00 for 3 beneficiaries
3 Pabibalbhakta Memorial Trust Rs. 1,51,151.00 for 3 beneficiaries
the regular scholarship, the campus provides free hostel facility for
special needs students like blind & physically disabled.